Discussions can help guide your journey

The people you meet can:

  • provide you with a torch to help guide you out of the cave

  • pull you from a cravass

  • point you in the direction up

  • walk along side you on the same upward climb

  • show you hidden veiw at the peak you otherwise wouldn’t have seen

  • they may even show you new mountains to climb

The great thing about an online discussion

Online discussions are often considered a place for people to share their negative thoughts with no repricussions since you are not face-to-face

While that can be true I invite you to look at online discussions in a different light

Online discussions give us the space to walk away when emotions get to high

If we have a knee-jerk reaction we can step away and explore inwards before replying

Incredibly insightful and productive discussion can blossom between two parties that might have disagreed if the conversation was held face-to-face

Things to remember when having positive online discussions

  • Be kind. Be supportive. Be respectful

  • Walk away if you feel your emotions rise

    close you eyes, breathe, and take a moment to think from the other persons perfective. think with their core values in mind to better see their perspective

  • Be as honest as possible

  • don’t disregard because you disagree

  • understanding does not equal ageeing

  • disagreeing does not equal argueing

  • If you have nothing that can be said in a kind and productive manner don’t say it

    You are not trying to change someone’s beliefs, but understand there veiw

Tips for a productive discussion

  • use “I” statements rather then “you” statements

  • express one thing you agree with them one before you say what you disagree on

  • ask them to clarify or use different verbiage

  • seek to understand the other and see their perspective

    (if you can’t looking at their diary may help)

  • speak to share, not to change minds

  • Look inward if you have a strong emotional reaction

Signs a discussion may be becoming unproductive

  • Your emotions are heightened

    (is your jaw tense? are you breathing?)

  • You’ve stopped trying to see there perspective

  • You start subcounciously attacking/judging them

  • You think they are attacking/judging you

  • Your trying to convince them of something

  • You feel the need to disagree with all points they make

You can carefully express if you feel the person behind you is hiding behind a bias

If this is expressed both parties should leave the conversation for at least a day to dig deeply into their beliefs

Both should ask questions like:

Do I have a bias? Do I truly, at my core, believe what I am saying? Or am I just saying this becuase it is what I was taught and I know no other way?

Once ready come back to the conversation

If your opinion changed don’t be proud (not embarrassed) change is growth

Ready to start your join your first Discussion!!


-No comments on diaries!! (only likes)

-No negative comments

(if you feel a post should be taken down email me and I will reveiw it)

-Be supportive of people’s growth and change!

-Be supportive of your own growth and change!

-Help heal horses through healing people!

-make ALL post in both diaries and discussions anonymous

-be kind and thoughtful to others even when you disagree in a discussion