Working with horses can feel like climbing a mountain
Sometimes you walked into a dark cave at the base mountain instead of starting your climb
Once you start your journey upward you find your breathing quick and your legs burning. Difficult terrain slows your course
A good guide will help make the mountain easier to navigate, but won’t change its nature. Without a good guide you can find yourself getting lost, stumbling, or even falling into a cravass.
Once you get to the top, the air is crisp, the veiw is both beautiful and clear. Your breathing slows, and the ache in your legs dull
You feel like you can take on the world and start exploring around the peak veiwing the nature with a new beautiful perspective each turn
Start your Diary wherever you are with your equine Partner(s)
The cave
Start here if your questioning if you even want to continue being a horse person. Your somewhere you don’t know, and your someone you don’t want to be. Your filled with shame, regret, anger, pain or something else and dont know how to start to change
The Journey upwards
You’ve finally stopped holding you and your horse back (for the most part☺️) and are exploring new forms of communication. While you might not be proud of your previous self you hold understanding , not shame. Your not quite sure where you are going to go next, but your excited, and propably slightly terrified
The peak
You have a direction you are going with your horse(s) and are happy with your communication. You’ve come to realize that you loved the hike upwards, and start to explore the peak of discovery with your equine friend as a guide
Sections are not dictated by experience level but personal insight. You can be a grand prix trainer stuck in the cave. Or, you can be a adult ametuer with one horse exploring the peak
Don’t worry to hard about choosing your section. Once you feel like you’ve moved on from a section you can write a diary entry about in and celebrate your progress. Change is hard!
Writing your Diary post
Please write your diary anonymously
Write whatever you want to (your adventures, wins, losses,
training/communication goals, everyday progress, life outside of horses, etc.)
Be as consistant as possible
Be as honest as possible
Look back at the progress you and your horse have made!
Remember don’t judge your diary or anyone else’s. By sharing your experiences at least one horse person out in the world feels a little less alone on their journey to better horsemanship
Ready to start your first diary entry!!
-No comments on diaries!! (only likes)
-No negative comments
(if you feel a post should be taken down email me and I will reveiw it)
-Be supportive of people’s growth and change!
-Be supportive of your own growth and change!
-Help heal horses through healing people!
-make ALL post in both diaries and discussions anonymous
-be kind and thoughtful to others even when you disagree in a discussion